Saturday, December 4, 2010


Well, it's been a couple weeks, granted broken up by Thanksgiving and weekends.  Still, it's beginning to make the left breast a little sunburned.  I'm using the aloe roll daily, and the spermy, soothing, balm.  So far, I'm not uncomfortable or sore.  I "feeeeeel" some warmth on the left breast.

I do enjoy the treatment itself, rather "spa-ish", with the warm blanket and the TLC given by the nurses.

I have been tattoo'd in spots on the neck, chest, arms, just little "x" marks so they can line my body up in the machine to keep the radiation beams from sawing off a leg.  It's ususally two women, or a man and a woman who almost knead me like a ball of dough until I'm situated correctly on this metal bed with warm blankets, then I CANNOT MOVE, PERIOD!  I moved once just to see what would happen and they yelled from afar, "DON'T MOVE!" - I don't know where they were but they sure weren't near me, maybe in a control room or something.

I'm getting very testy with the whole system.  If they say I can't have a later appointment, I tell them to refer me out to someplace else that can meet my needs, and they magically find the time available for me.  (I'm getting a feeling of favoritism in this place - it is classy and they probably have special people who get special care but I've decided to blast their system open till I'm one of the special people who get special care). 

This system  is such that I could not go back to the surgeon who removed the Port which has been a "f'd" up mess and scaring me.  The surgeon's staff told me that
 the protocol is to go to my primary care physician.  At that moment, the pin came out of the grinade and I unloaded on them that their surgeon did the work, it's a mess, and he's going to be the one to look at it and my primary care physician doesn't care what the hell it looks like; she doesn't even know what it is - so, now we are best friends.  They even ask me what channel I want to watch in the waiting room, and the surgeon I got to see was stellar, he gave me his business card with his cell number and said call anytime I'm uncomfortable.  The Port is really ugly and itchy and sore but that's because my body was traumatized by it, has a very deep bruise, I'm allergic to "bandaids" in that area, and it will just take some time.

You have to YELL and SCREAM to get the basic care.  I have the feeling it's "here", however, it may be all over too.  They just do what they have to do and are not accustomed to being questioned about their work.  And, I'm not real impressed with ANYONE I've encountered during this "journey."

There are sooooo many people in Las Vegas, and soooooo many people in the cancer/chemo/radiation journey.  We're all just ants and the loudest squeeking ant gets the grease.  I'll be glad when this is over and I can get into something else.

Lead in......I went to a Fung Shui class at KB Homes Wedesday.  They put on free seminars all the time for agents and Fung Shui is monsterously big here due to all the asians.  The home builders are building homes with the FS needs or they won't sell.  I found it fascinating, so much so that it shook me to me core and I came home and laid down for a couple hours.  I'm going to continue with the courses.  It's not just about houses, it's about your life, your choices, your decisions on what directions to take and the results, the way you're in-flow with energy and things come easy, or the way you're out-of-flow with energy and kind of swimming upstream.  Very interesting.

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