Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Cousin, Sherry, is Right about the Sugar

The Chemo causes the sugar tooth.  If I fall prey to the sugar tooth, the risk is that when this is over, I'll wind up with diabetes problems.  Fred says it's not a big deal, don't worry about it.  But, 4 quarts of chocolate chip ice cream and Gelato, and a pound of dark chocolate See's in the freezer just isn't normal.

I still think that if our bodies have cancer cells floating around, and we eat sugar, those cancer cells go bonkers on the sugar. 

Oh well, last treatment Monday.

I couldn't find the picture of the peas, so I just threw this one in of Ronald Reagan doing a cigarrette ad.  The peas were a bust.  I think it made things worse.  My nails weren't brown before the peas, now some of them are brown and some are detatched from the skin, in parts.

I'm photographing my nails with about 8 layers of polish, then again naked.  The 8 layers of polish are there for a reason.  It makes the nails more solid.  You'll see.

I have a few eyebrows left and a few eyelashes left.  Still haven't gotten ill.  I can eat anything, but Chees-its seem to be the choice du jour right now. 

We're going to Macaroni Grill tonight and I'll try some wine.  Then, tomorrow, I have to start the steroid prescription.  No coffee, no wine, no nuthin.   This will be the last time taking those blasted steroids. 

Can't wait to get to 24 Hour on Friday, after the last chemo treatment.  Chris will work on resistance training to build the bones up.  Today, he pretty much did that but yesterday I got to put on the boxing mits and he put on the trainers boxing mits and he showed me how to properly box.  It was exhausting but fun - way more fun than the punching bag.  And, no hives. 

They have a blind girl at 24 Hour who works out with her black lab watching all the time.   Mind blowing.

Till Monday.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, glad to hear the good news about the sugar. It won't be long now until you are back to normal, pretty nails and all! It's funny how you crave certain foods at times, like the Cheez-its. I like them, too, better than chips. Have fun with the boxing and watch out for the black lab.
