Monday, October 11, 2010

The Last Treatment - They All Said Happy Graduation

Well, it's finally here.  Today went fast for me, although it dragged for Fred.  We not only had the treatment which takes about 3 hours but also the vitals, the blood draw, and the meeting with the oncologist's nurses. 

They said the green pea thing probably just stopped the blood from flowing in the tips of the nails which made them discolor and separate from the skin.  Fortunately, it's only the front half and it'll grow out.  I just keep layers and layers of polish on them. 

I spent the whole time on the computer this treatment time.  All 3 hours.  Trying to find urban lofts for a lady moving here from Long Beach.  Not easy to find. 

Left hand painted

Right hand not painted,
the front half has
lifted off the skin.

I guess this is the
left hand again.
Oh well.

Left hand,
That black spot has grown
way out.  It started half
way back.

So much for sticking your fingers into bags of frozen peas. 

I felt good enough to cook dinner tonight, but after the Neulasta shot tomorrow, may let Fred go to Panda Express.

Tomorrow at 10:30, I have an appointment with the Radiation doctor to get up to speed on that.   According to my Oncologist, the radiation should start the first of November and end by the end of the year. 

My nails want to grow, I can tell.  My hair can start to grow now.  This gastly chemical can fade away.  The sugar craving can go away, although my blood sugar was 117 this morning after eating breakfast which isn't that bad.  My ankles are swollen from the steroids, my cheeks are pretty pink from the steroids and I'm up at 10:00PM writing on this blog because of the steroids.  I have to take two more pills tomorrow, am and afternoon.  That's it.

I'm heading back to Dr Milne for a vitamin drip - although I have to say that Trader Joe's EMERGEN-C has kept my spirits and energy pretty high.  I got turned onto that from a lady in Pilates class who went through chemo too.  She said it worked for her so I bought some. 

Enough for tonight.
Thanks for staying with me during this chemical journey. 
Next stage is recovery.
Then, radiation.  I'll be doing the Milne vitamin drip and the Hyperbaric Oxygen thing to tackle the radiation's attempt to kill me.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Graduation! I'm glad for you it's over! Time to grow those nails back! Keep us posted with your next journey! I'm happy you took me along!
    Love and Prayers to you!!!
