Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Wig


  1. Wow! You look fantastic! Love the wig! It looks just like your real hair. I hope you don't have much side effects from the radiation and it should be over with quickly. Then you can get on with normalcy, if there is such a thing. My Mom says hello and always asks about you! Love, from all of us!

  2. Thanks for the compliment! The wig's turned out pretty good. Lots of openings in the cap part so my head can breathe. Just toss it in the sink with warm water, swish it around, and pin it to the styrophome head overnight. Shake it and presto it's ready to go.

    I think I'll do okay on the radiation and you're right, it's all on the downslide now. Radiation is nothing compared to chemo.

    Tell your mom HI for me too. I know she's doing well, I can't believe anytime that I see her, she just looks cuter and more energetic each time. I think all you "kids" keep her in shape.

    Glad to hear my Cuz, Scott, is not veering too far to the other side of the fence. I'm still very self-employed, although I don't make much money, I'm still true to the way of life. (Doing very little).

    Have a great Thanksgiving!
