Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Monday, 8/9, was Treatment #3. Half-way there.
I tried something different this time in an effort to avoid the flu-like symptoms. I started taking the Advil a couple days before the treatment. Then, on Tuesday, when I had to take the Neulasta shot to boost the white blood cells, I didn't get that dramatic drop in temperature, no chills, just an overall feeling of sore bones - like I needed to stretch out. I'm still taking the Advil for another day or two. That's really all it takes.
This morning, I had a 9AM physical inspection and didn't have time to see how I felt, just had to goooo.
I felt panicky, sweaty, short of breath. I had the anti-anxiety pill in my pocket just in case and remembered at the Support Group they said "take it!" So, I took it and settled down and the time was spent relaxed with the client and the physical inspection went real well.
It seems the week of the treatment and shot is a touch and go week. I don't have any access to the anxiety, it's chemo related and I have to take the little pill. The second week, I have more control, and the third week feels pretty good.
This was the third treatment - the point at which I've been told I'll feel like death warmed over. So far, so good.
This time, they cut the Taxotere by about 40% so my hands won't burn. So far, so good.
They also had me take two Steroid pills the day before the treatment and the day after. The steroids make me wired so I take them early. They're supposed to help with the burning too. Took the last one early today. That's done. I don't know if I'll have to do the steroids for the next 3 times or not. Guess they'll call and tell me what to do - that's how it works.

1 comment:

  1. Half way there! Wooo Hooo! I agree with the group, take the anti-anxiety pill. Better living through chemistry.
