Sunday, August 22, 2010

We're All Just a Bunch of Lab Rats

I'll find out Friday if getting the 2-hour blasts of vitamins/amino acids/minerals will be a problem or not. My guess is they'll say......."Wellllll, we really don't know - there haven't been any tests done." I'm of the opinion that there are two ways to receive chemotherapy. 1) At some shit-hole where they just do to you what they did to the last guy, over and over and over. 2) At a research institute where they just use you to gather data, they're data gatherers.
I've received several responses to my plea for information about my vitamin blasts. They're from both camps - - - - 1) Don't mess with the chemo - let it do it's job, stay off as many vitamins as you can till it's done. 2) Chemo is estrogen sensitive (which is why I am going through this now).
It will be very interesting to see if my Oncologist has anything to say.
Fred's grandson, Shaun, told me to ask the Oncologist to ask the Pharmacist who mixes the cocktail if the vitamin blasts would interfere with either of the chemo's. I thought that was brilliant and will ask on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I say Shaun has a good idea. The pharmacist should have an answer. I like to go straight to the source when I have a question. The source will give you an answer, everyone else just has opinions.
