Monday, August 30, 2010

Treatment # Four

Well, here we are, back at the Nevada Cancer Institute. I don't know who these people are. I've already had the Benedryl drip baggie so I feel a little groggy. They also give me Steriods which toss in some fidgetyness. I can hear the Taxotere drip, drip, drip. It'll take about an hour, then the Cytoxin will do it's drip for an hour. They, they give me a drip bag of saline solution I would assume to clean out everything
There is a hose that goes from the Port in my arm all the way up the arm and down into my chest. That's the part they have to clean out. This is just not a pretty thing.
Since it was a hop-skip-and-a-jump from treatment #3 to #4, I would assume it's going to go pretty fast from here on out. The nurse sat with me during the Benedryl drip and asked a slew of questions, I think it was to see if I'm having any of the symptoms on their list of symptoms. I haven't been sick yet, haven't had the tingling fingers or toes yet. Had the diarrhea a few times but learned what to stay away from. Really, just the lack of energy, highly emotional, nightmares, anxiety, fear, all the head-trip stuff. That will go away, or maybe I've just always been that way.
I haven't shaved my head. I wanted to see what is going on, all the way through this. The nurse was surprised I still have hair. What hair is still there is growing. I'll have to trim it at some point. I also have eyebrows which surprised her. The main eyebrows are there, I just have to fill in the ends. A Nordstroms Clinique sales lady taught me how to do that so it looks natural. She also showed me how to line the eyes in "blue" of all colors, but it works during chemo. We got smart and cooked a pile of BBQ ribs last night. Should last a while. Fred should have something to eat for a few says.


  1. That's interesting about your hair. I've seen a lot of women completely hairless, including eyelashes and eyebrows, so it's nice that you still have your eyebrows and some hair. That's a good idea to go to Clinique. I never thought about that, but I'm sure they are trained to give makeovers for lots of medical issues.

    You're over the hump! 2 more to go!

  2. I should go to Clinique & learn how to do my eyebrows. I've never been "big" on plucking them. Good thing I have blonde hair. So nice that the lady helped you and knew what she was talking about. Bet she could help me with my eye color too. Hmmm! so glad you're feeling okay. Think of you everyday ~ sending hugs your way. Wish I was closer to be able to do something for you. I'd clean your house or something. Would love to cook you some meals. You're welcome for dinner anytime!! Love you sister! Be strong! Kick those cancer cells asses!!

  3. Thanks for the nice thoughts my cousin and friend. Today, Wednesday, I feel normal. Yesterday, after the Neulasta shot, I stopped and got a Frappuccino to add to the Steroids and, other than flying high, everything seems okay. Yes, it's nice to have eyebrows. That chemo-look can be ghostly. Glad I'm a little above it. For some reason, I feel very strong and not sore at all.
