Monday, August 16, 2010

Well, I "F*@K"ed up!

Well, here we go again. If I can F!@K up something, I will. I am feeling pretty good today, Monday following treatment. But, Friday was bad, (the week of the treatment) I went to work out at the gym and had NOOOO energy. I could barely even get myself there. Chris, my trainer, was walking to the next exercise and kept turning around to see where I was. I just couldn't get moving. It was the Neulasta shot that causes the flu-like symptoms for a few days. I just fight it. I thought by Friday I could function. I should probably just stay home and lay on the couch and moan and groan like a good little chemo-zombie.
Saturday was almost 1/2 more of a workout than Friday. Chris showed me on his clipboard and it was amazing what I did not do on Friday that I did on Saturday. That Saturday workout really pumps energy into my system. Sunday, in Pylates class, it was a mother of a class, hard as hell (for me), I can tell my muscles are messed up, just want to keep giving out but I tell them to suck it up and just do it. The instructor knows what's going on, and some of the people in the class know too and they're very supportive. One of the ladies went through this in the late 90's and says, "Oh, you'll be fine, just get through it." There are other messed up people in the class and they will still be messed up when I'm done with this chemo/radiation crap.
All's well and I'm feeling better, TILL THIS MORNING, when I talked to Annabelle, the oncologist's nurse. I told her that I felt lousy Thursday and went to Dr Milne for a vitamin drip and she said, "Oh, we don't want you to do that - we aren't sure if the vitamins, etc. feeds the cancer - there's no clinical testing done on that yet." So, I guess I'll hear from the oncologist at some point. In the meantime, I feel good and this week should just get better. Well, I won't be doing anymore vitamin drips at Dr Milne's. I'm "supposed" to feel like crap, it's in the plan. So, crap it will be. I left Annabelle a message because I've been thinking about this and am afraid now that I'll have to redo the chemo drips that I messed up with the vitamin drips.
What a "F*!King" mess!
If anybody knows anything about "vitamins feeding cancer cells", please tell me.....thx!


  1. I've never heard about vitamins feeding cancer, only estrogen. I would have thought Dr. Milne would have info on that. What is his specialty? I'm sure you mentioned it at one time. I'll see what I can find out. Don't worry, I'm sure you won't have to repeat the other treatments.

    My advice is stay home when you feel like crap, moan and groan and watch TV. I can't believe you work out when you feel so lousy. You are much better than me!!

  2. Sherry,,,,,
    I took your advise today, Sunday.
    Usually, Sunday is a marathon yoga, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking kind of day. I just broke down and told Fred, "It's over, no more."
    Sunday dinner will be whatever I find somewhere else. He went to El Pollo Loco and will bring dinner back. Enough is enough. Things are beginning to break down and "change."
