Monday, June 28, 2010

First Treatment

This is not the chemo room but it sure looks like it. Can't take my own photos due to the privacy laws.
There are "4" bags of fluids that have to drip.
Benedryl is first - 20 minutes.
I got kind of tipsy, like after a Martini.
Anti-Nausia is second - 20 minutes.
Still feeling tipsy.
Taxotere is third - one hour.
Cytoxan is fourth - one hour.
At this writing, I'm just about dripped out of the Taxotere and ready to start the Cytoxan, and still alive.
People come and go in this place - kind of reminds me of an upscale Mash Unit.
There are "beep-beep-beeps" everywhere, as someone's drip bag dries up; nurses running around everywhere too. We brought sandwiches and grapes - didn't know what to expect and I haven't seen that food and beverage cart which was why I wanted to come here in the first place. As someone leaves, a nurse completely anti-bacteria's that station, top to bottom. I feel hyper and woozy. That's the feeling I get from Codeine.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should order a pizza if their food and beverage cart is not what it's cracked up to be.
