Monday, June 28, 2010

Peeing - Snoring - Martini's, and the Food & Bev Cart

Still a little tipsy, like Martini's wearing off, although I think I could have gone to work today. Feeling a little hyper but that's probably due to the Benedryl. Feeling a little anxiety but that's probably due to the fact that I sat in a chemo room, albeit class-a, it's still a little weird. There was a woman - a huge woman - in the station about 10 feet from me. They covered her totally with a blanket to keep her snoring down. Just like a plane going over. I guess I'll learn what to take next time, ear plugs. The others in my section were kind of cracking up. The food and beverage cart finally did come around. They really do try to make us feel good. Fred finally got his coffee. He was very patient, sitting around for about 5 hours. I'm amazed at the age of people in there getting treatments. 40 - 50-ish. More men than I expected. A few people without hair but most with. I don't get that. When they give you 4 drip bags, you have to pee a lot. You have to unplug the dripper which hangs on a pole with legs and wheels. Then you pull the pole across the room to one of the restrooms - very nice restrooms, but, still you have to wheel you pole across the room. Everybody knows you're going to pee.


  1. Hey Joanne!

    Ok, I've jumped the hurdles and through the hoops to let you know I'm here! Russ and I were/are shocked to hear about your cancer. I don't know if you'll loose your hair or not, but I'm sure some of those people you saw at the clinic were wearing wigs. My mom bought one when her hair fell out. Plus I knitted all sorts of custom beanies for her. You'll have to let me know what colors you'd like! I'll give you a call soon. Love you!

  2. I love the pictures you're posting! They're perfect! Give Fred a big hug for me for beings so supportive.
