Friday, September 17, 2010

#5 Blood Draw and Meeting with the Oncologist

9:40 today was the blood draw - 5 viles out of the Port in the arm.  Then they run it through a spinning machine which generates a report.  However, I actually got in to see the oncologist before the blood test was done. 

Everything seems okay.  We went over the "hives" episode.  It's a mystery, although he said do the aggressive working out on the third week and lay low on the first week.  Just too much crap in my system that first week. 

So, I'm set to go for Treatment #5 on Monday.   That evening is also the "support group".  I may go just for the heck of it.  I was so blown away by the griping and wining, I'd kind of like to see who's bald this time.

Feeds Four!
I'm getting good at making the pre-treatment Penne Pasta Casseroles (2) in the cheap-o aluminum tins, the ones that are about 4" wide, 8" long and real tall.  I like to stack stuff in there pretty good.  Trader Joe's 3-cheeses sauce, ground sausage, Provolone slices, grated Mozzarella, olives, just jam it all in there.  Don't cook the Penne all the way though.  It's going to finish off it's cooking in the oven.  I stick two of then in the freezer.  Fred is getting good at putting one in the oven at 350, then before it's done, he takes some out, puts it on plates and finishes it off in the microwave.  It's real gooey.  I have several "chemo-quick recipes". 

After this #5 treatment, I don't think I'll care anymore.  The chemo monster has done it's job and I'm not scared of it anymore.  I even sleep through the night off and on, no waking up to crap dreams that cause crap thoughts that keep me awake all night.  No more fears of getting into vacant houses in 109 degree heat.  After #5, I'll be a lame duck chemo-chick with one more to go.

Quack Quack!!!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!!
    That recipe sounds good. Chemo or no, I'll have to try it.
