Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well, Well, Well, the cancer cell/seed shows it's ugly litle head....

I "effing" am beginning to get it.  My friend, in LA, mentioned that she still had an appetite for sweets during Chemo.  That stuck with me.

IIIIIIIIII usually don't give a #$%^ about sweets.  I'm a salt animal.  However, this little journey has led me down the See's candy path, the Frappuccino path, the Gelato path, the Haagen Daz path.  And, there's always a piece of candy in my purse.  I didn't get it.  I have always snuck Lays Potato Chips, not See's candy.  Well, it's the cancer cells talking.  Therefore, there must be some in there.  And, I am going to KILLLLLL them!  (I don't really know that there are any in there but to have a sweet tooth where there was none is suspicious).

I Googled cancer and sugar today and it turns out it's a marriage made in heaven.  Cancer cells beg for sugar.  They beg for carbs that convert to sugar.  They like fermentation.  They HATE oxygen.  You CAN achieve the hateful level of oxygen by working out till your breathing goes real deep.  That's what cancer cells hate.   And, that's what kills them.
This is a cancer cell - ain't it pretty?  Can you just imagine it rolling up a $20 bill and snorting some sugar??

These oncologists won't tell us that.  I got this from Johns Hopkins website.  It did say that the standard of care (Chemo and Radiation are effective).  So far, so good.  But, it did say all over the place that SUGAR and CANCER are buddies.  They LOVE each other.  Cancer yells at the body to bring on the sugar.  Oh, and stay away from chocolate, coffee (that may be tough) - go for the green tea.  Stay away from red meats - they ferment and cancer cells just LOVE fermentation - possibly why women are told to keep the wine down.  Fermentation.  

The site said stick to veggies, fruits, fish, chicken - it didn't say anything about cheese but I'd bet it ferments.  Lay low on pork and beef.

I have got to get into that Hyper Barric Chamber for the full-on oxygen.

I did notice that the food & beverage tray at Nevada Cancer Institute does NOT have anything with sugar on it - Fig Newtons - those are practically broccoli.    I've really gotten a heck of a lot of information today. 

To be fair, the site did say that being an unforgiving person ignites cancer cells too.  Also, being angry can do it.  Cancer cells are always floating around inside us; it just takes something to make them multiply so they can be seen.  Then it's too late.

We're going to see the Lion King tonight.  Border Grill for dinner.  What the hell will I eat there?  It's piles and piles of food.  At least it's not sugar. 


  1. I haven't heard that about sugar. I would think that by the time it would get to the cancer cells it would not be "sugar" anyway. Don't worry. It might just be the chemo that gives you the craving for sugar. I'll ask our Dr. about that.

  2. Sherry, you're right. It's the chemo that gives me the sugar craving. Turns out, it's diabetes that we have to watch out for. Fred said, don't worry, they don't even think you have any cells/seeds; the chemo/radiation is just precautionary anyway.
