Saturday, July 24, 2010

24 Hour Fitness after Treatment #2

This training routine was challenging before Chemo. As I understand, Chemo builds. #2 makes everything more challenging and, apparently, #3 is when I'll hit the wall. At that point, I'll go to Dr. Milne for a lengthy injection of vitamins and minerals.
I almost hit the floor many, many times yesterday morning. Chris, my trainer, is very smart. He's paying attention and switches things around when it looks like I'm in bad shape. I do 3 repetitions of each exercise. After rep #1, he made me sit for 60 seconds. Then, I'd do rep #2 and afterwards sit for 30 seconds. After rep #3, I'd sit for 10 seconds, then on to the next exercise. It worked very well, however, I could tell that the first workout after a treatment, causes a lot of energy to rise from the dead. The energy starting to flow again is what causes me to get unstable. That loss of energy from a treatment and the flu-like symptoms that follow is huge.
Today, Saturday, the workout should be more energetic, then Sunday's pylates class should be good too. Next week should be just fine, as energy will be flowing again.

1 comment:

  1. You put me to shame! I feel like I'm accomplishing a lot doing Pilates twice a week (maybe).

    It sounds like the trainer has had some experience with chemo patients. Smart move. Keep up the good work!!!
