Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Follow-Up after First Chemo

On 7/6, they took 5 viles of blood. Then they put them into a spinner machine that spits out a report. The report shows my red and white blood cell count compared to a normal "range." The red were slightly down, to be expected, and quite fine.
The white count was .9 in a range of 4.00 - 5.50. So, I had to have a shot of Neulasta. We had to wait several hours for the insurance to okay it, which they did. Fred looked it up on-line and it cost $7,000. It was a teeny-weeny shot in the tummy. No big deal. The side affects could be sore bones because the shot causes the bones to force-produce white blood cells. The count has to be high enough in order to be able to take Chemo #2.
We were chuckling at the sick-ass people jammed in the waiting room, then we realized we're part of them. I have to start looking at sick-ass people like friends. This is a whole new reality.
The rest of the follow-up appointment was with a hemotologist who is also an oncology nurse. She goes over symptoms and writes prescriptions. Anxiety is still my biggest problem so she told me the Rolling Stones like Valium but I could have it or Ativen. I chose Ativen, however, next visit I may follow the Rolling Stones. Other than that, she said the fact that I brought a "spreadsheet" listing all my daily symptons, tells her that there's no reason to call an ambulance. She also said she kind of felt for my poor wonderful husband.


  1. Well, chemo side effects suck. That's the bottom line. It's scary. And the insurance companies don't help. But with the anti-nausea stuff and the ativan you'll do fine. My mom preferred Valium, but that had more to do with understanding what it did to her. Go with whatever drug you feel more comfortable with!


  2. Scott recommends Goofer, high quality stuff. The stuff while in high school he called "Helen Keller." It should give you a good appetite and relieve anxiety. He says since he is an active board member it should be brought up for a vote. Craig will be notified of an emergency board meeting. Will keep you informed.

  3. I don't know Goofer is. I'll have to Google it.
    Never heard of a drug called Helen Keller. If it will relieve anxiety, I'll take it. Yes, since he is still an active board member, it should be brought up for a vote. Craig's input would be much appreciated and maybe Craig knows where I can get some Helen Keller and Goofer.
