Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Girls are Ready!

It's just falling, falling, falling out. Just tons of hair on my neck, shoulders, arms. I'm wearing a chemo bandana out of desperation. We should have cut it off earlier today but I wanted to keep it as long as possible. The shower took it's toll. There was still enough to blow dry and probably to get away with another day but the globs of hair that snarled together in the towel were really hard to get untangled. They fell off my head like kitty furballs. I cleaned the floor on my hands and knees and picked up layers of hair. Oh well, the Girls are ready for tomorrow.


  1. I think I would shave my head, but I understand wanting to hold on to your hair as long as possible. Are those pictures of your "Girls?" I'd like to see you model them!

  2. My mom just let it fall out over a couple days. I'll go check the western wear shop by my house for you. I'm sure I can find something cotton and cool.

  3. 2 scarves are in the mail to you tomorrow. They are both "square" scarves ~ one is paisley, the other black & red. Maybe they will help?
    Love you!

  4. I mailed you some pamphlets from work. You may already have this info, but if not it may be useful. I hope the symptoms are easing up. Love to you and Fred!

  5. Thanks for the scarves. I haven't received them yet but am sure looking forward to them. And, thanks for the pamphlets from work too.
    They symptoms eased up real well this past week. We went to Long Beach for a few days and had fun with friends and family.
