Friday, July 2, 2010

Thursday Night - Symptoms started coming on....

Last night (Thursday) the flu symptoms came on strong. They were coming on all day but I was working and was able to work through them. Once I got home and started dinner, oh brother, did I feel rotten. The booklet provided by Nevada Cancer Institute said the flu symptoms might stick around for 1 - 3 days. Thursday was day one. Muscle aches, headache, CHILLS - yes, for the first time since menopause, I had chills. I even pulled the comforter out of the closet and bundled up at 9:00! Woke up this morning feeling like I was 85, pulled myself out of bed and got going. My wonderful Fred said, "Try some Aleve". Okay, I did and about 50% of the symptoms got better throughout the day. We even went to see the new Michael Cane movie (Harry Brown). I've never tried Aleve before. It's my new best friend, along with Zanax and Ambien.


  1. I like that you call your husband, "my wonderful Fred." That comforts me knowing that he is comforting you. I'm glad the Aleve worked for you; we're a big fan of it around here. I take one in the am and pm for my back and I was able to get off all the "bad" medications by doing that.

    Next year on Independence Day we will be celebrating that you have passed through this journey and you are free of anything having to do with cancer. We will celebrate your independence from chemo cocktails; meds; fear of pigeon poop and any other thing that is interrupting life right now.

    Keep fighting the fight and I'm praying that your symptoms will be relieved and that you will have a sense of peace and victory over this enemy called cancer.

    Love ya...


  2. P.S. I love your graphics; keep that JoAnn sense of humor.

  3. Amen, MaryAnn!! I couldn't have said it better. There will be new anniversaries to celebrate next year. Fight on! We're here to fight with you!!

  4. I'm so glad that I have you guys.
    It feels like having family and friends in the kitchen when I read your comments. Thank you for the votes of confidence and I'll look forward to Independence Day 2011 too. I hadn't thought of it like that.
