Saturday, July 10, 2010

Well, it was bound to happen......

I just didn't know how or when. They said two weeks. It's been "thirteen days." My poor head has been itching for about a week. I've been using the tube of conditioner that's in the Loreal hair color boxes. It's always seemed like the magic bullet when my hair is dry. It does feel real silky and shines like gold, as it cascades down my arms and into the atmosphere. If I consciously pull a handful of hair, I get a handful of hair. Just between yesterday afternoon and this morning, I've probably pulled out 300 hairs. I have a 9:30 appointment at the office today so I'll have to shower in a few minutes. Who knows what will be left on my head after that. The wigs are ready. I'm not real happy with the scarves; can't seem to find the plain old paisley red or paisley blue, like we wore when we were kids. I have the chemo scarves but even chemo gals aren't wearing those. They're very dowdy. I'll go to the wig shop this afternoon when I'm finished with the client and see what's new. Good news though....after getting that shot Monday to boost the white blood cells, it was supposed to make me miserable, bones ache, sick, ....but, so far, Advil has knocked that out and I've been very busy.


  1. Sorry about the hair, but I am glad that the Advil is working! I'd offer a knit cap but I'm sure it's rather warm out there. Why don't you check a western wear store? They should have plain ol' red or blue 'kerchiefs'.

  2. Oh, and Russ said go to the Harley store and pick out a bandana. OOhh! A biker babe!

  3. I'll have to find the biker store and the western store. They must have them here, although, so far, I've found "showgirl" stuff. Not into it.

  4. I agree about the showgirl headgear. Too glitzy and it might get hard to get through the doorway.

    I'll try to remember to send you one of the booklets I was telling you about regarding hats, etc. Note to self.....

  5. I'm there with Heather, sorry to hear about your hair. That seems to be one of the most traumatic side effects of chemo. You would think there would be something they could do to prevent it.
