Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, Felt like .....

Got the Nulasta shot on Tuesday, that's the one that forces the bones to make white blood cells. I guess they weren't going to wait a week like last time; the shot was one day after the chemo treatment. Afterwards, I stopped at Starbucks and got an iced, chocolate something-er-other. Sure was good. Went back to work for a couple hours then by 5:00, I got home, hit the couch and wrapped up with a couple aphgan things and couldn't stop shaking. I made it upstairs, changed into winter clothes, put on my warmest bandana, a sweater, some fuzzy slippers and a scarf and felt like I could not get warm enough. We decided to take this photo on the front porch, being as it was still about 105 outside. It felt pretty good.


  1. So, I'll send the bandana thingy and a couple knit caps. Keep the head warm and it might help.

  2. Who would have ever thought that 105 temp would be a good thing!! Guess you are in the right place for getting/keeping warm!!

  3. You're freezing and I'm about to pass out in 80 degree heat! Too much! You sound good and I know that this is so very difficult for you. Keep your spirits up however you can. Keep charging forward and fighting the fight! You're going to win this battle!
    Love you!

  4. You look great! I know how it feels to be chilled to the bone and sit in the son (or a very warm car) to defrost. It feels pretty good! I've got just the thing for you........I make these little bags from sewing fabric that have raw rice and lavender that you put in the microwave. They are WONDERFUL and I couldn't get through the winter without it. I'll make one for you and send it off. Enjoy the LV heat! Love you!
