Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Got Annointed by a Cast of Mormons.....

Yes, my cousin, Ronnie (Geneva's son) is a powerful Mormon from Kingman, Az. He called last night - Fred picked up - and he announced that he and another Mormon were going to arrive at our home today (Saturday) about 3PM to pour oil on my head and pray around it. Well, he arrived with three powerful Mormons and between Ronnie and two of the other three, they got the job done. I sat in a chair, Ronnie dropped some oil on my head and they got to praying. It only took 10 minutes. Also, Ronnie emailed my name around the world to all the Mormon temples. They write my name on a piece of paper and toss it onto the floor with the other names on paper - people who are dead or ill - and the Mormons circle around the papers and pray. That will last for 2 weeks. He said, "They're even praying in Afganistan for you to get well." Interesting afternoon. I guess I'll have to reciprocate and pray for some of the Americans in Afganistan.

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